Who Am I?

An optimistic young guy pursuing his happiness in developing software, connecting deeply with people, finding his limit, and exploring the world.

Work Experience

Software Engineer

Phocos Americans. Inc,
Contributing to cross-platform app with over 5000 users across Google Play and IOS using Flutter and knowledge in Bluetooth Low Energy

Research Assistant

Develop an AI model to predict heat waves and drought effects on crop yields in the Southwest


I've involved in several projects such as:

sci-mi logo


Posting for 100 Days on LinkedIn sharing my journey in tech industry. Achievement so far:

  • Gained 150+ followers since I started
  • Connected with 10 tech people: recruiters, software engineers, director, managers, etc.

Milestones and Projects

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First Portfolio Website


HeadstarterAI Fellowship


First Internship


First Job
IT Web Analyst


First Research
Collaborate with an assistant professor and a Computer Science senior to develop an AI model


First Hackathon
Sudoku game with different difficulty level (6x6-16x16)deployed on website


First Leetcode
Merge Sorted Array: beats 32.04% of python submissions


First Project
An inventory program written in Python to manage product trading as well as storage tracking


First "Hello World" in Java